Culture and Society B

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
  国際英語 後期 1・2・3・4 2 Catherine Duppenthaler

Culture and Society

This course will examine current social issues in the United States.

We will begin by asking questions:What problem does the American family face today? What are some of the causes of these problems? Are Americans satisfied with their schools? What steps are they taking to change them? These answers to these questions wil

The final grade will be based on  end-of-term test  group project  homework assignments

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
Handouts will be provided in class.      

Please note that this class will be conducted in English. The lectures, handouts, and tests will be in English only. The student projects may be done in either Japanese or English.